Tuesday, October 28, 2008

~the tuesday of omg.~


Here I am, sitting here, and I am thinking...

This has been a very different tuesday...

I got up and got ready for a visitation and all I can say from that very sad, very sudden two hours of visitation-ing: The whole open-see the dead person-weird-akward-lookin at your lifeless loved one-thing is absolutely moving to me in some way.

Which way I'm not sure.

Then I went to babysit, then I went to the club but the line was long, then go to the place with the yummy smoking. Then Devon getting pulled over without a license. Then making a character on world of warcraft (i think i only picked the side thingie because i liked that costume the most)

And now? Now I'm sitting here...talkin to you people...at 1:45 am (even thought i have to go to a funeral tomorrow at 11 am ) feeling hungry, wantin to see your boobs (I'll show you in the car...)


K said...

we never did that..

elizabeth rae said...

it might have been better that we didnt.